Elevate Your Health, Community, and Economy with Seasonal Eating in Elizabeth City, NC – Dr. Jason Jones, Your Local Chiropractor

Seasonal eating is not only beneficial to our health and environment but also to the local economy. In the past decades, global food systems operated locally, and most produce in markets and grocery stores was grown, produced, and processed within 100 miles of the point of sale. Today, the growing technological advancement has made it possible for people to import and transport food to an average of 1,500 miles before reaching a plate.

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Unlock the Benefits of Seasonal Eating with Dr. Jason Jones, Your Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

In earlier days, before science was incorporated into agriculture, you could only find fresh fruit and vegetable produce during the season it grew best. That was the case since produce depended on the weather and other natural conditions for growth. However, with the current technological advancement and adaption in agriculture, you can easily find any fruit or vegetable you want regardless of the time of the year. Industrial agriculture has introduced greenhouses that have allowed the growing and production of fruits and vegetables year-round. The system has also adopted an approach where fruits are harvested before they ripen, stored for long periods, ripened through artificial methods, and distributed at any time of year.

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Ultimate Seasonal Food Guide: Discover the Freshest Fruits and Vegetables for Every Season

The freshness and sweetness of fruits and vegetables are excellent triggers for people to adopt seasonal eating. To enjoy the most seasonal produce, you need a seasonal food map to guide you on the peak season for the particular produce. Different fruits and vegetables grow in different seasons. Some are at peak during spring, others in summer, and some during winter. Here is a quick general seasonal food map to help you get started on in-season eating. Have a look!

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Nutrition Made Easy: Examples of Higher Glycemic Carbohydrates, Why To Avoid Them And The Best Time Of The Day To Consume Them. – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Higher glycemic carbohydrates rank from 70 and above in the glycemic index (GI). The body digests and absorbs them faster than the lower glycemic carbohydrates. Once absorbed, higher glycemic carbohydrates rapidly increase blood sugar levels.

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Nutrition Made Easy: Walking: How Walking in the Morning Fasted Helps And How Walking After Meals Helps – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Did you know that walking is such a beneficial activity for your health? After eating, a short walk could help you regulate your blood sugar levels. You can also enhance your heart health, minimize bloating and gas, and improve sleep quality by exercising moderately daily. However, it is fundamental to consider factors such as the intensity, length, and timing of the walk after eating and personal circumstances to prevent health issues such as stomachache and indigestion.

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Nutrition Made Easy: What are the top 5 Most Nutritious Fruits, and What Vitamins and Minerals Do They Provide? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Consuming different varieties of fruits supply your body with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, thus, boosting your immunity and overall well-being. In addition to minerals and essential vitamins, fruits are also rich in fiber. To lower your risk of cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and heart disease, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits is highly recommended. The top 5 most nutritious fruits you can include in your diet are:

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Nutrition Made Easy: What are Low Glycemic Vegetables, Multiple Examples and Why They are Good for You

Researchers came up with the glycemic index (GI) to determine the extent to which particular foods increased blood glucose levels. The glycemic index helps in ranking foods on a 0-100 scale. Foods ranging from 55 and below on the index are said to be low glycemic and have little impact on blood glucose levels. The GI is helpful to individuals who wish to make healthy diet choices. The ranking system will help you classify starchy foods based on their impact on blood glucose levels. The tool helps you to estimate the degree to which a particular food will affect your blood glucose level, after ingestion. Low glycemic vegetables are those vegetables whose GI is equal to or less than 55. The body breaks down and absorbs the low GI vegetables slowly, resulting in a minimal and slow increase in an individual’s blood sugar level. Most non-starchy vegetables fall under the low GI category.

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3 Steps to Stop Emotional Eating – Lety Algeri – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

Lety Algeri is a certified Holistic Health Coach and the founder of The Craving Crusher Method. She helps women break free from Emotional Eating, and empowers them to create healthy relationships with food using her unique Food Therapy Techniques. What makes Lety unique are her simple yet effective strategies and her compassionate yet direct approach to coaching women for lifelong change. Her magnetic personality inspires her clients and followers to become better versions of themselves, making her message so powerful and effective.

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Inflammation: what causes it and how to prevent it – Dr. Jason Jones Health Made Easy Podcast

In this podcast, we interview Dr. Shivani Gupta, and she is an Ayurvedic practitioner who has studied Ayurveda in India, and in the US over the last 20 years finally culminating in a Ph.D. and turmeric. We're going to talk today about the truth about inflammation, what causes it, and how to prevent it. As well as she's going to tell us about her background, her training, and what got her into doing what she does today with inflammation.

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What to Expect From a Solid Detox Program: Why 2-4 Weeks Is Superior to Shorter Programs – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Have you been feeling sluggish and worried that your body has accumulated toxins? Have you thought about detoxing to help your body remove toxins and make you healthier? It is a good strategy and an excellent start to help reenergize your body. There has been a lot of information about the supposed health benefits of cleanses and detoxes. You have probably come across various guides on how to detox. The question is, what should you expect after following a solid detox program? To answer your question, we have prepared detailed research on what happens in your body during detox and its health effects.

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