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Elevate Your Health, Community, and Economy with Seasonal Eating in Elizabeth City, NC – Dr. Jason Jones, Your Local Chiropractor

Seasonal eating is not only beneficial to our health and environment but also to the local economy. In the past decades, global food systems operated locally, and most produce in markets and grocery stores was grown, produced, and processed within 100 miles of the point of sale. Today, the growing technological advancement has made it possible for people to import and transport food to an average of 1,500 miles before reaching a plate.

Although getting any produce you want at any time of the year from across the world is possible, choosing to adopt a seasonal eating lifestyle by choosing locally grown foods has significant advantages. Here are some benefits of choosing locally produced foods:

  • It supports your local economy

Anytime you purchase locally grown, produced, and processed food, the money you spend supports the local farmers and reflects in community development.

  • It helps build community connections

As more people choose locally grown foods, there is a markable growth in the number of producers selling directly to consumers. This has triggered healthier local agricultural economies, promoting more significant connections between farmers and consumers. The food production system has, therefore, helped promote social relationships within communities.

  • Local food promotes environmental conservation

By buying locally grown food, farmers are encouraged to continue farming, which helps maintain farmland and creates a green community.

  • It improves food safety

Food safety involves the practices and conditions that ensure food quality is preserved and there is no food contamination. More families are concerned about food safety, especially those with young children and seniors. Foods grown in distant locations are exposed to safety issues at harvesting, washing, shipping, and distribution. Eating locally grown food helps reduce the risk of eating unsafe food.

  • Eating local food promotes a seasonal eating lifestyle

By choosing to eat locally produced food, you adopt seasonal eating and enjoy produce grown at its best season. You will enjoy eating fruits and vegetables at their full flavor and sweetness since they are picked at their peak of ripeness compared to those harvested early, shipped, and distributed before they are fully ripe.

  • Local foods have more nutrients

When you shop for locally grown food, it takes a short time between harvest and consumption. This helps in preserving all the nutrient value. Imported food from far-away states and countries takes a lot of time before it reaches the final consumer, which increases the chance of losing nutrient value.

  • Local food is fresh and preservative-free

Locally produced food is not transported for long, and therefore, there is no need for preservatives. Imported food will require preservatives and other chemicals to keep it fresh during transit.

Choosing locally grown food will involve making the most nutritious, ecologically sound, and economically fair choice. Eating locally seasonal produce has far-reaching benefits for our health and food systems.

If you need further professional guidance on choosing locally grown food, you may consult Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic office in Elizabeth City, NC.

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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