Unlocking the Connection: How Stress Manifests Physically and What It Means for Your Health – Dr. Jason B. Jones Elizabeth City, NC Chiropractor

We all have experienced stress at one point in our lives. But, not everyone experiences it in the same way. Stress indeed takes a toll on our minds, but did you know that sometimes physical symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that your brain is under too much stress? Stress and chronic pain have a complex relationship. At times, physical symptoms are not caused by any illness. Stress could be the underlying problem that needs to be addressed. Prolonged or unmanaged stress can wreak havoc on your body, resulting in body pains, aches, and other symptoms.

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Relief from Carpal Tunnel: Effective Strategies to Ease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Elizabeth City, NC

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects one of the primary nerves in the wrist area. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of the hand. The leading cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is extra pressure on the median nerve at the wrist inside the tunnel. The extra pressure can come from swelling or inflammation of the contents inside the tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms include wrist pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness.

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Mastering Migraines: Effective Strategies for Navigating Through Migraine Management

Most of us think of migraine as a bad headache. But the truth is it is more than just a bad headache. A migraine is a severe headache that can cause debilitating, throbbing, one-sided head pain that can leave you in bed for days. The headache phase of a migraine usually lasts at least four hours, but it can also last for days. Triggers like loud noises, bright lights, strong odors, and physical activities can worsen this headache, causing symptoms like vision changes, fatigue, irritability, and nausea. People who have suffered from migraine say that it is disruptive and can interfere with your daily routine and affect your ability to meet personal and social obligations.

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The Power of Posture: How Poor Posture Affects Your Daily Life and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Is the phrase “Stand up straight” familiar to you? Whether we realize it or not, we sometimes feel guilty about poor posture. Many of us slouch more than we should following fatigue after a long day, poorly designed workspaces, a challenging workout at the gym, or just a bad night of sleep. Anytime you are not standing or sitting straight and engaging your muscles, when your shoulders are rounded, or you are not holding your neck high, you are portraying signs of bad posture. But do you realize that there are several adverse effects that poor posture can have on your body? Here is an outline of some consequences of poor posture and how Chiropractic can help you make positive changes. Have a glance!

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Nutrition Made Easy: Walking: How Walking in the Morning Fasted Helps And How Walking After Meals Helps – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Did you know that walking is such a beneficial activity for your health? After eating, a short walk could help you regulate your blood sugar levels. You can also enhance your heart health, minimize bloating and gas, and improve sleep quality by exercising moderately daily. However, it is fundamental to consider factors such as the intensity, length, and timing of the walk after eating and personal circumstances to prevent health issues such as stomachache and indigestion.

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How to Get Healthy and Fit Without Spending a Lot to Get There

Our fast-paced lifestyles are certainly picking up speed. But as things continue to evolve at a more rapid rate, one thing that hasn't changed is the emphasis we have continued to place on our physical and mental wellbeing. If anything, it has become even more vital to concentrate on our physical fitness, since leading a sedentary lifestyle is so easy to do with everything we need right at our fingertips. Furthermore, it's just as easy to assume that reaching your fitness goals means needing to spend more in order to do so. Not so! Jones Family Chiropractic outlines how to get more fit and healthy without spending a lot to get there.

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Calm Your Nervous System: The Best Supplements, Nutrients, and Minerals to Reduce Stress – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

After a long day, our nervous system may feel strained and crave some rest. Occasional stress stands in the way of the calm you need for your nervous system. But the good news is you can easily calm down your nervous system by including calming nutrients in your diet. Some supplements, nutrients, and minerals play a significant role in helping support your relaxation efforts. Have you struggled to fall asleep or decompress after a challenging day? That is probably a sign that your nervous system is strained and needs rest. You need not worry anymore because we have got a solution for you. To guide you, we have prepared research on anti-stress supplements, nutrients, and minerals that will significantly help relax your nervous system.

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Building Resilience: How Doing Hard Things Can Enhance Your Ability to Overcome Adversity – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Have you ever been in a crisis and wondered how to overcome or cope with the associated stress? Building resilience is an effective technique for overcoming adversity, coping with stressful situations, and leading a better quality of life. Difficult moments are likely to impair your health, mood, and appearance. Building resilience enables us to regain control and cope with stress, trauma, and turbulence during uncertainty. So, how does doing hard things increase our resilience?

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How Breathing Can Reduce Stress and Quiet the Mind: A Guide to Deep Breathing Techniques and the Autonomic Nervous System – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Breathing is an automatic process that we all do without thinking about it. On average, we take 20,000 breaths per day. Breathing is such an essential process in life that people die within minutes if it stops. Your respiratory system and the body cells utilize the oxygen you breath in and, in return, create waste in the form of carbon dioxide that you breath out. Although breathing takes a subconscious effort, did you know that you can pay more attention to how you breath and significantly impact your stress level? You indeed have the power to change your breathing to relax your brain deliberately. Breath control dramatically helps to manage stress by promoting brain relaxation.

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Understand Your Nervous System: The “Fight or Flight” vs “Rest and Digest” Modes for Better Health – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

In the face of stress and anxiety, it is imperative to understand the “fight or flight” versus “rest and digest” sides of the nervous system for optimal health. Our nervous system has two modes of operation, namely, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), also known as the “fight or flight” mechanism, and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), also referred to as the “rest and digest.” These modes play opposite roles depending on the state we are in.

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