Unlocking the Connection: How Stress Manifests Physically and What It Means for Your Health – Dr. Jason B. Jones Elizabeth City, NC Chiropractor

We all have experienced stress at one point in our lives. But, not everyone experiences it in the same way. Stress indeed takes a toll on our minds, but did you know that sometimes physical symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that your brain is under too much stress? Stress and chronic pain have a complex relationship. At times, physical symptoms are not caused by any illness. Stress could be the underlying problem that needs to be addressed. Prolonged or unmanaged stress can wreak havoc on your body, resulting in body pains, aches, and other symptoms.

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Relief from Carpal Tunnel: Effective Strategies to Ease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Elizabeth City, NC

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects one of the primary nerves in the wrist area. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of the hand. The leading cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is extra pressure on the median nerve at the wrist inside the tunnel. The extra pressure can come from swelling or inflammation of the contents inside the tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms include wrist pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness.

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Combatting Sedentary Risks: Unveiling the Perils of Prolonged Sitting

Living a sedentary lifestyle has become a norm for most of us. The truth is we spend most of our days sitting. Whether in an office, working from home, commuting or just relaxing on the couch scrolling through social media, most of us are barely up and moving like we should be. But one thing we need to know is that the sedentary lifestyle we have adopted has dire health consequences. Prolonged sitting can lead to adverse outcomes. Have a look at some of the hidden dangers of sitting too long;

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The Power of Posture: How Poor Posture Affects Your Daily Life and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Is the phrase “Stand up straight” familiar to you? Whether we realize it or not, we sometimes feel guilty about poor posture. Many of us slouch more than we should following fatigue after a long day, poorly designed workspaces, a challenging workout at the gym, or just a bad night of sleep. Anytime you are not standing or sitting straight and engaging your muscles, when your shoulders are rounded, or you are not holding your neck high, you are portraying signs of bad posture. But do you realize that there are several adverse effects that poor posture can have on your body? Here is an outline of some consequences of poor posture and how Chiropractic can help you make positive changes. Have a glance!

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Holistic Pain Management: Lifestyle Changes and Chiropractic Care – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

A holistic approach to pain management involves incorporating various strategies that target everything that might be contributing to your pain and negatively affecting your overall health and wellness. The holistic approach targets diet, stress levels, activity levels, and mental and emotional health. Holistic pain management presents the following benefits:

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Taking the First Step to a Pain-Free Life: Chiropractic Consultation

Medical advances have proven that achieving sustainable healthcare is, in fact, possible. Chiropractic care has consistently demonstrated this through successful and efficient treatment. Studies show that compared to typical medical treatments, 94% of chiropractic adjustments achieve more significant pain reduction. This has been achieved because chiropractors understand that pain affects people’s lives differently, and they focus on tailoring each person’s treatment based on needs and goals. Chiropractic care has presented various benefits over surgery and medication pain management by offering a holistic approach. Various patients have given testimonies of how chiropractic care has improved their well-being.

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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pain Management – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Chiropractic adjustment has been highly embraced in pain management to complement traditional medical care. It involves treatment where a licensed chiropractor uses pressure to manipulate joints in your body to help realign the spine and reduce pain and discomfort. Chiropractor adjustment significantly helps relieve back, neck, and joint aches through a non-invasive technique. Chiropractic therapy majorly involves the use of manual or hands-on therapy that is performed to promote musculoskeletal health. The chiropractic adjustment or manipulation performed on the spine and other parts of the body is aimed at correcting alignment, improving motion and physical function, and helping the body gain the ability to heal itself. Realigning the spine helps reduce pressure on the central nervous system.

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Nutrition Made Easy: Walking: How Walking in the Morning Fasted Helps And How Walking After Meals Helps – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Did you know that walking is such a beneficial activity for your health? After eating, a short walk could help you regulate your blood sugar levels. You can also enhance your heart health, minimize bloating and gas, and improve sleep quality by exercising moderately daily. However, it is fundamental to consider factors such as the intensity, length, and timing of the walk after eating and personal circumstances to prevent health issues such as stomachache and indigestion.

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Protein Intake for Overall Health: How Much Do You Really Need? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

We have heard that protein is an essential macronutrient in bodybuilding and repair. But how much of this macronutrient is enough for us in a day? The absolute protein requirement per day depends on factors such as physical activity levels, muscle mass composition and goals, age, and the body’s overall health state. Getting inadequate protein quantity can adversely affect our overall health, physique, and general body constituents.

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How to Get Healthy and Fit Without Spending a Lot to Get There

Our fast-paced lifestyles are certainly picking up speed. But as things continue to evolve at a more rapid rate, one thing that hasn't changed is the emphasis we have continued to place on our physical and mental wellbeing. If anything, it has become even more vital to concentrate on our physical fitness, since leading a sedentary lifestyle is so easy to do with everything we need right at our fingertips. Furthermore, it's just as easy to assume that reaching your fitness goals means needing to spend more in order to do so. Not so! Jones Family Chiropractic outlines how to get more fit and healthy without spending a lot to get there.

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