Elevate Your Health, Community, and Economy with Seasonal Eating in Elizabeth City, NC – Dr. Jason Jones, Your Local Chiropractor

Seasonal eating is not only beneficial to our health and environment but also to the local economy. In the past decades, global food systems operated locally, and most produce in markets and grocery stores was grown, produced, and processed within 100 miles of the point of sale. Today, the growing technological advancement has made it possible for people to import and transport food to an average of 1,500 miles before reaching a plate.

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Unlock the Benefits of Seasonal Eating with Dr. Jason Jones, Your Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

In earlier days, before science was incorporated into agriculture, you could only find fresh fruit and vegetable produce during the season it grew best. That was the case since produce depended on the weather and other natural conditions for growth. However, with the current technological advancement and adaption in agriculture, you can easily find any fruit or vegetable you want regardless of the time of the year. Industrial agriculture has introduced greenhouses that have allowed the growing and production of fruits and vegetables year-round. The system has also adopted an approach where fruits are harvested before they ripen, stored for long periods, ripened through artificial methods, and distributed at any time of year.

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Nutrition Made Easy: Examples of Higher Glycemic Carbohydrates, Why To Avoid Them And The Best Time Of The Day To Consume Them. – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Higher glycemic carbohydrates rank from 70 and above in the glycemic index (GI). The body digests and absorbs them faster than the lower glycemic carbohydrates. Once absorbed, higher glycemic carbohydrates rapidly increase blood sugar levels.

Continue ReadingNutrition Made Easy: Examples of Higher Glycemic Carbohydrates, Why To Avoid Them And The Best Time Of The Day To Consume Them. – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Nutrition Made Easy: Walking: How Walking in the Morning Fasted Helps And How Walking After Meals Helps – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Did you know that walking is such a beneficial activity for your health? After eating, a short walk could help you regulate your blood sugar levels. You can also enhance your heart health, minimize bloating and gas, and improve sleep quality by exercising moderately daily. However, it is fundamental to consider factors such as the intensity, length, and timing of the walk after eating and personal circumstances to prevent health issues such as stomachache and indigestion.

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Inflammation: what causes it and how to prevent it – Dr. Jason Jones Health Made Easy Podcast

In this podcast, we interview Dr. Shivani Gupta, and she is an Ayurvedic practitioner who has studied Ayurveda in India, and in the US over the last 20 years finally culminating in a Ph.D. and turmeric. We're going to talk today about the truth about inflammation, what causes it, and how to prevent it. As well as she's going to tell us about her background, her training, and what got her into doing what she does today with inflammation.

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How to “Move” more daily without adding time for exercise- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Is a tight schedule making it difficult to add time for exercise? Feels crazy! The intention to work out and stay healthy can be challenging when you have a crazy busy schedule. Many people give up on the goal and blame it for not having enough time to exercise. The good news is you don't need to exercise every day or even a handful of days. Try these ways to move more and attain your intended health benefits.

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Control your Blood Sugar and Here’s How – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

One of the most relaxing feelings for a person with diabetes is checking your blood sugar and seeing the numbers right in line. For a diabetic patient, controlling blood sugar isn't just a short-term goal. It helps prevent diabetes complications like heart disease, vision loss, and kidney and nerve diseases. Diabetic people must try and manage their blood sugars through key lifestyle changes as much as possible.

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Manage Holiday Stress with these Tips- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor                                                

Welcome to the holiday season! It’s that moment filled with endless parties, gift-giving, shopping, cooking, and activities galore that start immediately after Halloween, hypes to thanksgiving, and continues through the end of the year. Not feeling cheery this time of the year? Don’t worry. You are not alone. So many activities take place, and they tend to bring unwanted stress and depression at a time meant for happiness. But with some practical tips, you can minimize the stress that accompanies the holidays. These tips may even help you enjoy the holidays more than expected.

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Adrenal Stress: How Lifestyle Hurts and Helps this Vital Gland- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Adrenal glands are vital organs for your everyday health. They form a part of your endocrine system and are responsible for the production of hormones that react to stressors. The hormones produced by adrenal glands also help to distribute fat and protein as well as regulate inflammation and sugar levels in your body. In certain cases, adrenal glands may be unable to carry out their roles efficiently, and this may be a result of adrenal stress. Here, you will be exposed to the lifestyles that are injurious and the ones that are beneficial to your adrenal glands.

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Stress And Pain – 9 Tips to Overcome Your Stress

When stress and pain strike, our first instinct might be to recoil. But if you’re experiencing a lot of stress or chronic pain on a regular basis, it’s important to learn how to manage it effectively in order to prevent it from negatively impacting your life. Stress is an inevitable part of life that can creep up at any time. Chronic pain, however, is a different beast altogether and requires a more aggressive approach to management than occasional stressors. If you’re living with chronic pain or have experienced recent stressors in your life—such as the end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one—it may seem like an uphill battle right now. However, there are lots of small things you can do every day to help manage your stress and reduce its impact on your overall well-being.

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