How to Help Your Senior Loved One Age in Place

A recent survey of older adults over 50 revealed that 90% want to continue living at home as long as possible. This goal can be achieved when the right services and technologies are implemented to make the house safer. Here are ways to help your senior loved one age in place, even if you live far away.

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How to End Sleepless Nights if You Suffer From Back Pain

Back pain can be a major disruption in our lives. For some, it may define one’s day-to-day life. Worst of all, it doesn’t go away when it’s time to sleep at the end of the day. Thankfully, there are things we can do to get the slumber we all deserve. Here are some ideas that can help you get some much-needed sleep.

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Things You Should Need To Do For Stress Survival

Stress is a universal phenomenon that affects everyone, at all times, and in all walks of life. It’s not something that anyone is immune to, nor is it something that is easy to deal with. Constant stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health, and can even affect your relationships and friendships. However, there are things you can do to reduce your stress and help you handle it better. Here are useful tips to help you survive stress and keep you smiling:

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Solutions for TMJD – Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

We all want to smile, talk, eat and laugh every day without issues. But if you have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD), those facial movements may cause you a lot of pain. Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are where your lower jawbone and skull meet. When you have TMJDs, including dislocation, arthritis, infection of injury in your TMJ, you may suffer painful clicking and locking in your jaws, neck pain, headaches, and ringing in your ears. Although most symptoms of TMJD resolve in a few weeks, some persist and can be aggravated by certain actions like chewing, swallowing, and clenching, which causes a strain your jaw and neck muscles. In this article, however, we shall be showing you solutions or remedies for TMJD and how you can manage this condition from the comfort of your home.

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How alignment and soft tissue work helps to correct TMJD – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

If you have pain in your or experience clicking or popping sounds, then you may be suffering temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD). We all have a tendency to experience this pain, but you don’t have to live with it. There are natural non-invasive solutions that work like magic to relieve. If you want to get relief from your TMJD, the good news is that a Chiropractor can help you with alignments and soft tissue treatments to help loosen up your jaws and relieve pain. The interesting part is that these chiropractic procedures are quick and provide fast relief to pesky TMJD. Let’s quickly review TMJD before talking more on chiropractic help on this condition.

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What is the difference between TMJ and TMJD? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

A lot of times, patients with jaw pain ask me, “Doctor Jason, What is the difference between TMJ and TMJD?” Well, it can be confusing for people to understand some medical terms. But I will tell you about the difference between TMJ and TMJD in this piece, perhaps you also want to know. Firstly, note that TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, while TMJD stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Literally, TMJ refers to the joint itself and TMD refers to pain, inflammation or disorders of that joint. Sometimes, people use TMJ and TMD interchangeably, but there is a clear-cut difference between the two. Let’s take a deeper dive to understand these two terms better.

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Causes of TMJD – Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Around 12% of people in the US experience TMJD – temporomandibular joint dysfunction at any one time. Statistics show that women are more affected than men. And 9 women to every 1 man experience restricted jaw movement in their lifetime. Understand the causes of TMJD, however, is important to help you manage the condition. You need to know factors that predispose you to TMJD and the common symptoms to watch out for. In this article, we shall be showing you the common causes of TMJD and other relevant details you should know. But first let’s briefly revise the meaning of TMJ and TMJD.

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Top 7 sources of inflammation (#7 is key to avoid) – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Inflammation is simply our immune system’s natural response to illnesses and injury. This involves the release of inflammatory chemicals in the bloodstream to protect the body from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. In the case of an injury, a localized inflammatory response helps in the healing process. There are two types of inflammation: The acute and chronic form. Acute inflammation helps us heal, so you can think of it as the “good” kind of inflammation. But the chronic inflammation is associated with chronic conditions or diseases, so you can describe it as the “bad” kind of inflammation.

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What is chronic inflammation? How does it damage the body? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

When you hear the word inflammation, what comes to your mind? Most people probably think inflammation is all about redness and swelling that follows an infection, wound, or injury. But this is only “acute inflammation” – a beneficial response by the immune system that encourages healing, and usually goes off once the injury improves. Chronic inflammation is another form of inflammation that is less obvious. While your immune system becomes activated, the inflammatory response stays on all the time at a low level. This is unlike the acute inflammatory response that is intermittent during an acute injury or infection. In other words, chronic inflammation may begin even when you have no injury. Worst still, it does not end when it should. Several factors could trigger chronic inflammation, from lifestyle factors such as poor sleep, obesity, or exposure to environmental toxins.

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Foods & Supplements loaded with vitamin C, D, and zinc – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor Some key nutrients, including vitamin C, D, and zinc, are important for supporting your immune system. Little wonder these nutrients and their supplements have been prescribed from the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Generally, an unprocessed, whole food diet supports a healthy immune system. And your daily diet should include fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean protein, and whole grain. Adding these types of food to your diet helps you get the essential macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are needed for a healthy immune system. Vitamin C Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that supports your immune health. This vitamin can help you fight cold or ease your cold symptoms faster if you take it before the onset of sickness. Vitamin C has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the risk of diseases.

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