Mental & emotional stress + 5 Things You Can Do About It – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City, NC, Chiropractor

In today’s fast paced world, we are often overwhelmed with mental & emotional stress. You often get to think of how to manage your finances, watch over your kids, get busy at work, and cope with challenging relationships. Stress is everywhere, and you’re not alone. It is actually okay if it is not too much, but when stress becomes chronic, it can wear you down and affect you both mentally and emotionally. You tend to experience the following symptoms

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Tony TC Hale – Bio-individuality & Kick Your Fat in the Nuts

Professional comedian turned natural health practitioner, T.C. Hale (aka Tony), put together this series of books in order to bring health and wellness into a new light… a new non-boring light. He wanted to bring his experience as a touring comedian into a subject where comedy has not been welcomed in the past. The question is, why not? Why can’t we be entertained while we learn something new? Why can’t learning about physiology be as fun as watching your uncle Mitch wrestle with a live water sprinkler while he’s drunk?

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Exercise and Chiropractic for stress reduction- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Stress is the second most common health problem and when it becomes chronic, it can lead to high blood pressure, headache, increased cholesterol, depression, and musculoskeletal pain. So, it is important to learn how to manage stress, otherwise your body will suffer both mentally and physically. Exercise and Chiropractic measures have been an effective way to reduce stress and boost overall health of your mind and body. When you follow a healthy exercise plan, you can work on your muscles, and joints, reduce stress levels, and improve your body’s flexibility. In addition to exercise, a consistent chiropractic visit will help protect your body from joint immobility, nervous system dysfunctioning, and spine misalignment.

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Meditation: a simple 5-minute technique to Reduce stress – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Meditation is an effective technique used by a lot of people to manage stress. One interesting thing about meditation is that it can help you build resilience over time. Besides that, you can feel less-stressed in minutes if you use meditation as a tool to relax your body and mind. So when faced with life challenges, you can use meditation to respond from a more relaxed, mindful place instead of reacting with worries and fear. However, you might feel intimidated to begin the practice of meditation, but it’s not difficult and doesn’t require lengthy sessions as many people wrongly believe. In just five minutes, you can reap the biggest gains from meditation. It can help you get quick relief from stress and pains.

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6 Herbs and supplements for stress reduction- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Most of us struggle with stress from work, family responsibilities, and other life demands. The recent lockdowns caused an added level of stress, particularly due to anxiety and fear of the unknown. One survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that stress about the economy and job security has increased over the past year. Stressful conditions cause a spike in cortisol production in the body, and this stress hormone can reduce immunity, increase inflammation, and raise the risk of blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. However, the good news is that there are numerous measures to effectively relieve stress, including exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, engaging in mediation, and using herbs and supplements. The use of herbs and supplements have been shown to help lower anxiety levels, ease depression symptoms, and tame sleep troubles. Here are some herbs and supplements that are effective for stress reduction:

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Breathwork: box breathing for stress reduction – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

When you’re stressed, the level of the cortisol hormone associated with stress rise in your body, and one of the best measures to reverse these cortisol spikes is breathwork or deep breathing. Box breathing is a technique that involves taking slow, deep breaths. It is simple and you can practice it anytime to relieve stress, boost concentration and heighten your performance. Everyone benefits from breathwork, from athletes, to police officers, and even nurses. It can be particularly helpful to you if you have lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). How to do Box Breathing Before starting out, you have to sit upright in a comfortable chair and keep your feet flat on the floor. More so, ensure you stay in a stress-free quiet environment that can support your concentration. Keep your hands relaxed in your laps, and let your palms face up. Focus on your posture and maintain an upright posture. This helps you perform this breathwork properly.

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