Holistic Pain Management: Lifestyle Changes and Chiropractic Care – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

A holistic approach to pain management involves incorporating various strategies that target everything that might be contributing to your pain and negatively affecting your overall health and wellness. The holistic approach targets diet, stress levels, activity levels, and mental and emotional health. Holistic pain management presents the following benefits:

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Taking the First Step to a Pain-Free Life: Chiropractic Consultation

Medical advances have proven that achieving sustainable healthcare is, in fact, possible. Chiropractic care has consistently demonstrated this through successful and efficient treatment. Studies show that compared to typical medical treatments, 94% of chiropractic adjustments achieve more significant pain reduction. This has been achieved because chiropractors understand that pain affects people’s lives differently, and they focus on tailoring each person’s treatment based on needs and goals. Chiropractic care has presented various benefits over surgery and medication pain management by offering a holistic approach. Various patients have given testimonies of how chiropractic care has improved their well-being.

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Understanding Chronic Pain: Causes and Effects – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Over your lifetime, you probably have complained of feeling pain when you were sick or injured. Some pain tends to be more acute than others. Pain originates from the receptor nerve cells beneath our skin and body organs. When one is injured or sick, the receptor cells send messages along nerve pathways to the spinal cord, which then transits the message to the brain. Pain can be acute, which means it's new. Subacute pain lasts for a few weeks or months, while chronic pain lasts for more than three months.

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Nutrition Made Easy: Examples of Higher Glycemic Carbohydrates, Why To Avoid Them And The Best Time Of The Day To Consume Them. – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Higher glycemic carbohydrates rank from 70 and above in the glycemic index (GI). The body digests and absorbs them faster than the lower glycemic carbohydrates. Once absorbed, higher glycemic carbohydrates rapidly increase blood sugar levels.

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3 Steps to Stop Emotional Eating – Lety Algeri – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

Lety Algeri is a certified Holistic Health Coach and the founder of The Craving Crusher Method. She helps women break free from Emotional Eating, and empowers them to create healthy relationships with food using her unique Food Therapy Techniques. What makes Lety unique are her simple yet effective strategies and her compassionate yet direct approach to coaching women for lifelong change. Her magnetic personality inspires her clients and followers to become better versions of themselves, making her message so powerful and effective.

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How Breathing Can Reduce Stress and Quiet the Mind: A Guide to Deep Breathing Techniques and the Autonomic Nervous System – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Breathing is an automatic process that we all do without thinking about it. On average, we take 20,000 breaths per day. Breathing is such an essential process in life that people die within minutes if it stops. Your respiratory system and the body cells utilize the oxygen you breath in and, in return, create waste in the form of carbon dioxide that you breath out. Although breathing takes a subconscious effort, did you know that you can pay more attention to how you breath and significantly impact your stress level? You indeed have the power to change your breathing to relax your brain deliberately. Breath control dramatically helps to manage stress by promoting brain relaxation.

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Understand Your Nervous System: The “Fight or Flight” vs “Rest and Digest” Modes for Better Health – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

In the face of stress and anxiety, it is imperative to understand the “fight or flight” versus “rest and digest” sides of the nervous system for optimal health. Our nervous system has two modes of operation, namely, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), also known as the “fight or flight” mechanism, and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), also referred to as the “rest and digest.” These modes play opposite roles depending on the state we are in.

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What are the Top Detoxifying Foods – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor                                                

Goodbye to the festive season! It’s time to reset and get going. But chances are your body is feeling tired and less-than-stellar. You probably feasted on tons of holiday cheese plates, too much pastry, and topped up with beer bottles. The truth is, you need to cleanse your body of the damage you did over the holidays. The good news is you don’t need to kill yourself with a crash diet or hours of exercise to get back on track. Here are a few delicious foods and drinks with detoxifying and slimming properties that can help your body get back on track.

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Most Important Organs for Detoxification- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

After a long festive season, it’s time for new beginnings. Feelings of tiredness, indigestion and possible challenges of getting to sleep and wake up in the morning are common. Feels like you lost your zest for life. Don’t worry! The enormous festive engagement saw our bodies take in a lot of toxins through our food, the environment and the air we breathe. The many toxins overload our bodies resulting in fatigue, indigestion, headaches and brain fog. It is time to clean and rejuvenate our body The good news is that our body has a built-in detoxification mechanism that works efficiently to keep our bodies going. We only need to intervene and ensure we incorporate healthy foods in our diet to achieve greater healing and cleansing. This will help improve the overall functioning of the vital detoxifying organs. Detoxing these essential organs will also help slow ageing and improve the quality of life.

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Control your Blood Sugar and Here’s How – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

One of the most relaxing feelings for a person with diabetes is checking your blood sugar and seeing the numbers right in line. For a diabetic patient, controlling blood sugar isn't just a short-term goal. It helps prevent diabetes complications like heart disease, vision loss, and kidney and nerve diseases. Diabetic people must try and manage their blood sugars through key lifestyle changes as much as possible.

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