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Pick Your Priorities to Build a Healthier, Happier You

Taking steps to improve your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself, so it’s lucky there are so many different ways you can start. These four areas are especially important to focus on as you create healthy habits.

Escalate Your Exercise

Ideally, you should exercise for several hours each week with both aerobic activity and strength training. Start as small as you need to and scale up gradually, even if your first step is just committing to one minute of stretching every morning. Find ways to fit more movement into your routine, perhaps by jogging in place while your coffee is brewing, lifting your groceries like hand weights or following the classic advice to park at the far end of the lot and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Prioritize whatever physical activity you already enjoy, whether it’s dancing, climbing trees, or volunteering to walk shelter dogs.

Guard Your Gut

Even beyond the basics of healthy eating, your digestive system has a big impact on your overall health. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, for example, you’ll want to consider your food choices carefully along with any supplements and medications your doctor recommends. To take care of your gut more generally, experts recommend eating more fruits and vegetables (especially ones higher in fiber, such as raspberries and avocados), getting plenty of sleep, reducing stress, and taking a probiotic supplement.

Maintain Your Muscles

Your musculoskeletal system is literally what allows you to move, so you need to take good care of it. Regular exercise is helpful here, but don’t overdo it, and remember to stretch before and after. Switch your workouts to focus on different muscle groups, don’t push yourself if you do strain a muscle, and think about consulting a personal trainer if you want to start a more intensive routine. Also, make sure you’re getting enough protein and staying well-hydrated even on days when you’re not exercising.

Your bone health depends partly on whether you’re getting enough calcium and vitamin D. You may want to take supplements if you don’t routinely eat dairy products, leafy greens, or other foods rich in these nutrients or if you don’t get regular exposure to sunlight. Always protect your skeleton (and the rest of your body) by wearing appropriate shoes and safety equipment for sports and other physical activities.

If you have musculoskeletal pain and stiffness even though you’re following best practices for exercise and nutrition, you might find relief in chiropractic care from Jones Family Chiropractic.

Sweeten Your Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential to your health, and trouble sleeping is an issue you should address sooner rather than later. Remember that daytime activities affect your night, so get some sunlight as soon as you wake up and avoid caffeine after lunch. Two or three hours before bedtime, wind down by limiting your use of electronic devices, going easy on food and alcohol, and choosing a relaxing pre-bed ritual. Keep your bedroom cozy and quiet, and make sure your bed is reserved only for sleeping. And if you don’t have a comfortable pajama set, make sure you pick out a set that feels good and promotes relaxation. Finally, if your sleep troubles are severe, consider consulting your doctor about more specialized interventions.

Establishing healthy habits doesn’t have to be intimidating; remember that you can begin as large or small as you like. Choose your favorite ideas and get started now.

Daniel Sherwin (GUEST POST AUTHOR)

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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