Top Cities for Recharging Your Mind, Body, and Soul

No matter how much you love your work, you can easily burn out by staring at a screen all day. That’s why so many companies encourage their employees to take self-care “reset” trips and offer more paid time off (PTO) in recent years. The best thing about self-care travel is that it physically removes you from your everyday environment and responsibilities. You can do any relaxing activity you want—even if it’s simply sitting and watching a sunset—in an entirely new place away from your daily obligations. And if you are in recovery, this kind of trip could do wonders for helping you rebuild your life. But where should you go on your trip? What places will provide the best opportunities for refreshing your mind, body, and soul? Jones Family Chiropractic has listed a few of our favorite self-care destinations in the U.S.:

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Foods that are high in Magnesium – – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a huge role in making your body system function optimally. Without magnesium, your nerves won’t send and receive messages; your muscles won’t work the way they’re supposed to. In fact, magnesium is needed for more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. Unfortunately, your body cannot produce or make magnesium on its own. What this means is that your body depends on the food you eat for magnesium. Although you can get magnesium from multivitamins and supplements, it’s best to get this mineral from natural foods. Besides, taking magnesium supplements can be dangerous if you have certain conditions, such as kidney failure, heart block, bowel obstruction, heart block, and myasthenia gravis. The best way to keep healthy levels of magnesium in your body is to eat foods that are high in this mineral.

Continue ReadingFoods that are high in Magnesium – – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Different forms of magnesium: what is each one good for? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Magnesium is a vital nutrient needed for many processes in the body, including nerve function, blood sugar and pressure regulation, bone formation, and more. Magnesium is a macromineral along with sodium, phosphorus, calcium, chloride, potassium, and sulfur. You can obtain this mineral mainly by eating a healthy diet made up of a wide range of foods. However, studies have shown that a lot of people, especially those in the Western world, do not meet their magnesium needs with diet. Little wonder, health care providers might recommend a mineral supplement. More so, some people have health conditions that require them to take a mineral supplement.

Continue ReadingDifferent forms of magnesium: what is each one good for? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Magnesium deficiency: signs and symptoms and possible conditions caused by this – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body; in fact, it is the fourth most abundant. This mineral is an essential cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that are involved in diverse biochemical reactions. These reactions impact a number of body processes, including: • Cellular energy production and storage • Protein synthesis • DNA synthesis • Bone metabolism • Cardiac function • Nerve signal transmission • Blood pressure • The conduction of signals between muscles and nerves • Stabilization of cells However, less than 2% of Americans have been estimated to experience magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia. The bad part is that it’s difficult to know you have a deficiency as symptoms don’t become obvious until your magnesium level becomes extremely low.

Continue ReadingMagnesium deficiency: signs and symptoms and possible conditions caused by this – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Pick Your Priorities to Build a Healthier, Happier You

Pick Your Priorities to Build a Healthier, Happier You Taking steps to improve your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself, so it's lucky there are so many different ways you can start. These four areas are especially important to focus on as you create healthy habits.

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Lowering Stress for Optimum Health Part 1: What is the Vagus nerve, why should I care, and what it controls? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Have you ever heard about the vagus nerve? You probably haven’t. Well, it’s no surprise to know because scientists have researched many functions of this nerve, and they are still yet to know all. Well, in this article, we shall keep it simple and tell you about this special cranial nerve. Continue reading! The body has 12 cranial nerves, which come in pairs and help to link the brain to different parts of the body, such as your head, torso, and neck. Some of these cranial nerves help to send sensory information, including details about sight, smells, sounds, and tastes to the brain- This is called the sensory function. Other cranial nerves control the function of certain nerves and various muscles, and this is called motor function. However, some nerves perform both sensory and motor functions, and a good example is the vagus nerve, which is also called the 10th cranial nerve or cranial nerve X.

Continue ReadingLowering Stress for Optimum Health Part 1: What is the Vagus nerve, why should I care, and what it controls? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy at any Age Part 4: How your brain/nervous system CONTROLS your immune system – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Do you always suffer flu or cold? Is it getting on your nerves? Do you sometimes feel that’s normal? Well, the truth is that the fact that some people get sick doesn’t mean everybody has to. Your ability to fight infection or ward of disease is strongly dependent on an important system in the body called the “Immune System.” The interesting part is that your brain/nervous system has a huge control over your immune system. Over the past 20 years, there has been much research conducted on the human immune system, and findings have clearly shown that there is a correlation between your nervous system and your state of immunity. Little wonder, many of our patients at our chiropractic office in Elizabeth City, NC, who come in with sore throats, colds, stomach viruses and sinus congestion often report an accelerated recovery after our chiropractic adjustment. Many of them now notice that when their co-workers are all catching flu and cold, they are not. Others notice that they are get sick less frequently than before. What does this mean? It means that chiropractic correction of the subluxation has a strong effect in improving immune responses of the body. This chiropractic adjustment actually reduces nerve interference.

Continue ReadingStay Strong, Stay Healthy at any Age Part 4: How your brain/nervous system CONTROLS your immune system – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy at any Age Part 3: Immune Health – Gut/Digestive tract and immunity: what you can do to enhance it – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

In times past, it was erroneously believed that bacteria had little or nothing to do with our wellbeing, but recent research has made it clear that bacteria contribute greatly to our immunity and overall wellbeing, specifically the bacteria found in our gut. There are over 10,000 species and trillions of microorganisms in our gut, and they all form what is called the gut microbiome. So, it’s not far-fetched when people say “we are more bacteria than we are human.” The gut microbiome impacts many physiological processes in the body, including weight, digestion, and level of concentration, mood, and more. However, there are pathogenic bacteria and good friendly bacteria. The same way the bad guys or bad bacteria can overpopulate your gut, good bacteria can too. When you change the way you eat, it can change the expression of your genes by boosting the population of the microbiome with diverse microbial cells. Cutting out processed foods and adding more prebiotic fiber is essential in increasing biodiversity. Probiotic-rich foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, etc. work well to introduce strong microbes to your gut, supporting a more efficient gut microbiome. This has a strong influence on your immunity, and we’ll show you how.

Continue ReadingStay Strong, Stay Healthy at any Age Part 3: Immune Health – Gut/Digestive tract and immunity: what you can do to enhance it – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Mold Illness: Mold Contamination and Remediation Expert Michael Rubino – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

I wanted to let you know about Michael Rubino, an innovative expert in mold contamination and remediation. While Rubino is only in his 30s, he is already turning the mold remediation world on its ear with his unique approach to this business. This pandemic made us more conscious of good hygiene and learned to stay and cope with working more from home. You may know that many are struggling with molds in their homes and the effects of mold exposure on their health. Many seek out mold remediation companies but still suffer after the jobs are done. That’s because many conventional mold remediators are only doing part of this job. When Rubino does mold remediation, his procedure removes all traces of mold including the spores they leave behind and the toxins produced by the mold. To educate those who are struggling with molds in their homes, Rubino wrote the book Mold Medic. In detail, Rubino advises readers on how to choose a mold remediation company and the exact processes that the company should be using. He also explains how to recover from mold-related illnesses and do home maintenance. His message is perfect for those interested in achieving and maintaining robust health. Rubino and his company All American Restoration have been featured in USA Today, NJBiz, Reader’s Digest, New Jersey Monthly and Digital Trends. He was also selected as a speaker for the Spring 2020 Indoor Air Quality Association Meeting and Expo. Rubino received a Bachelor of Science degree in 2008 and is a council-certified microbial remediator from the American Council for Accredited Certification, and a New York State Department of Labor Remediation Contractor. He has spent the past seven years involved in construction and remediating mold contamination.

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Stay Strong, Stay Healthy at any Age Part 2: Immune Health – Bone Marrow: how to stimulate it to work better? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Bone marrow is the spongy tissue present inside our bones. It is responsible for producing red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The lymphocytes produced in these tissues play an important role in the immune system. The bone marrow is active in newborn babies and new cells are produced continuously, but as you grow into adulthood, the marrow inside your feet, legs, arms, and hands stop producing new marrow cells. At the adult stage, the active marrow is found inside the hip, spine, shoulder bones, breastbone, ribs, and skull. However, the hip and spine have the richest content of bone marrow cells.

Continue ReadingStay Strong, Stay Healthy at any Age Part 2: Immune Health – Bone Marrow: how to stimulate it to work better? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor