Unlocking the Secrets of Protein: Why It’s Crucial for Your Well-being – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Did you know that every single cell of our human body is composed of protein? All thanks to protein, we have well-defined structures in our bodies, thus the reason we refer to them as life’s building blocks. The macronutrients are everywhere; in our bones, cells, tendons, muscles, enzymes, blood, hormones, neurotransmitters, and other structures. Proteins consist of amino acid chains. There are three categories of amino acids, namely, essential, nonessential, and conditional amino acids. Our bodies receive essential amino acids from the food we eat because they do not have the capacity to manufacture them. The body can manufacture nonessential amino acids from the essential amino acids supplied via food or during protein breakdown. Conditional amino acids are needed during certain conditions, such as adversity, stress, and illness.

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Top Foods to Avoid During the Holidays to Stop Weight Gain- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Holidays are exciting and make you see optimism everywhere, including on your plate. It is a moment of celebration that encourages overeating, sedentary behavior, and excessive consumption of calorie-rich foods. The holiday lax may find you eating a lot of processed foods that are high in calories, added sugar, fat and salt. Before you know it, you’ve excused away weeks of unhealthy eating. Many people tend to gain pounds over the holidays, which is mainly influenced by what they eat. The trouble is that the extra weight you might have noticed may be challenging to lose. The best advice, of course, is to try to avoid holiday weight gain in the first place. Here are some foods to avoid during the holidays to prevent weight gain.

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Top 6 ways to reduce chronic inflammation (#2 and 3 are Key!) – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Inflammation is known to help fight illness or heal injury, but it goes beyond that sometimes. A chronic inflammation state may slowly be damaging your body it won’t even show. This form of inflammation goes into action without an infection or injury. This way, the immune system cells that are meant to protect you will start to destroy your healthy organs, arteries, joints, and other body parts. Several kinds of research have shown that when you don’t eat healthy, rest adequately, or get enough exercise, your body responds by triggering inflammation. The bad part is that chronic inflammation has a long-term damage on the body. If left unchecked, it can contribute to chronic disease conditions, such as blood vessel disease, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and more.

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Good Liver Functions and why is it so important to our overall health- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City, NC Chiropractor

The liver is the second largest organ in the human body after the skin. It weighs about 3 pounds on average in every adult and it’s roughly the size of a small football. It is located below the diaphragm and under the ribs in the upper right abdomen. That’s amazing, right? It doesn’t stop there; the liver also holds up to 13% of the human’s blood supply. And it helps support the normal functioning of the digestive system. So you might be wondering what this big-sized organ does for us. Before we delve deeper, let me first inform you that the liver performs about 500-3000 tasks (depending on who you are listening to) just to keep the body healthy.

Continue ReadingGood Liver Functions and why is it so important to our overall health- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City, NC Chiropractor