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Stop These Behaviors and Improve Your Wellbeing

Improving your physical and mental health comes with all sorts of benefits, not the least of which is the formation of better habits. Many people don’t even realize how their behavior is negatively affecting their own happiness until it’s too late, but fortunately, there are a few things you can stop doing that will make a major impact on your personal life. From putting your own needs aside in favor of others to working a job that doesn’t make you feel fulfilled, there are several behaviors you can put a stop to that will make you feel better in the long run. Jones Family Chiropractic a few of the most common ways an individual can create positive change in their life:

Stop avoiding your anxiety

When it comes to making a big change, few are more impactful than letting go of a job that just isn’t working. It’s easy to imagine moving on, but much harder to follow through with it, especially if you’re feeling anxious about what the future holds or about your own skills. That anxiety can hold you back, but if you push through it and refuse to set the bar too low for your own ambition, you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised. Anxiety and fear can be good things once we learn to use them for motivation; with a solid plan for your next employment move, you’ll feel a bit more prepared, so think about going back to school for a new degree in order to boost your confidence and your career trajectory.

Stop putting everyone else’s needs first

Whether you’re doing it at work or at home, it’s crucial to stop pushing your needs to the back of the line. Often viewed as a selfish act, it can be difficult to put our needs and wants first sometimes, but it’s important to take the time to recognize yourself and realize that prioritizing your needs isn’t selfish–it’s self-care. You might start by taking 15 minutes per day and dedicating it to something you need, such as enjoying quiet time or eating a healthy snack. Once this becomes a habit, you can increase the time for working on a personal project or hobby. By taking small steps at first, you can get accustomed to setting aside time for yourself even during a busy day, which often increases your productivity rather than affecting it negatively.

Stop eating for others

Another important part of self-care is eating well, but that can be hard when you feel pressured to match your eating habits to those of your family or coworkers. If you often find yourself neglecting to eat lunch during a busy day, or eating fast food at the suggestion of the people around you, tell yourself that it’s okay to nourish your body the way you want. Look into meal-prep techniques, which involve cooking and freezing meals for the week, or stock your desk with healthy snacks that will keep you satisfied and energized during a frantic workday.

Stop sitting

Healthy eating is a great way to feel better, but if you work a sedentary job, you might have a hard time getting active. Sitting for several hours a day is a major contributor to issues like obesity and heart disease, not to mention the ill effects on your spine, but if you make it a point to get your heart rate up every day, you can keep your body on the right track. You can also look into utilizing a standing desk for even more advantages.

Stopping certain habits can be tricky, but by starting small, you can make several changes for the better to your lifestyle. Look for resources that will help you find inner strength as you get started, and remember to focus on your physical and mental health together in order to find a good balance.

If you struggle with pain and stress, Jones Family Chiropractic is here to help you find a path toward healing and living your best life. Reach out to us today for an appointment! (252) 335-2225

Guest Post by Daniel Sherwin

Photo via Pexels

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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