Holistic Pain Management: Lifestyle Changes and Chiropractic Care – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

A holistic approach to pain management involves incorporating various strategies that target everything that might be contributing to your pain and negatively affecting your overall health and wellness. The holistic approach targets diet, stress levels, activity levels, and mental and emotional health. Holistic pain management presents the following benefits:

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Elevate Your Health, Community, and Economy with Seasonal Eating in Elizabeth City, NC – Dr. Jason Jones, Your Local Chiropractor

Seasonal eating is not only beneficial to our health and environment but also to the local economy. In the past decades, global food systems operated locally, and most produce in markets and grocery stores was grown, produced, and processed within 100 miles of the point of sale. Today, the growing technological advancement has made it possible for people to import and transport food to an average of 1,500 miles before reaching a plate.

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Unlock the Benefits of Seasonal Eating with Dr. Jason Jones, Your Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

In earlier days, before science was incorporated into agriculture, you could only find fresh fruit and vegetable produce during the season it grew best. That was the case since produce depended on the weather and other natural conditions for growth. However, with the current technological advancement and adaption in agriculture, you can easily find any fruit or vegetable you want regardless of the time of the year. Industrial agriculture has introduced greenhouses that have allowed the growing and production of fruits and vegetables year-round. The system has also adopted an approach where fruits are harvested before they ripen, stored for long periods, ripened through artificial methods, and distributed at any time of year.

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Unlocking the Secrets of Protein: Why It’s Crucial for Your Well-being – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Did you know that every single cell of our human body is composed of protein? All thanks to protein, we have well-defined structures in our bodies, thus the reason we refer to them as life’s building blocks. The macronutrients are everywhere; in our bones, cells, tendons, muscles, enzymes, blood, hormones, neurotransmitters, and other structures. Proteins consist of amino acid chains. There are three categories of amino acids, namely, essential, nonessential, and conditional amino acids. Our bodies receive essential amino acids from the food we eat because they do not have the capacity to manufacture them. The body can manufacture nonessential amino acids from the essential amino acids supplied via food or during protein breakdown. Conditional amino acids are needed during certain conditions, such as adversity, stress, and illness.

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