Relief from Carpal Tunnel: Effective Strategies to Ease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Elizabeth City, NC

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects one of the primary nerves in the wrist area. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of the hand. The leading cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is extra pressure on the median nerve at the wrist inside the tunnel. The extra pressure can come from swelling or inflammation of the contents inside the tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms include wrist pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness.

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What are THE BEST SOURCES of slow carbs

Carbs are an important part of your diet as your body sources energy from these nutrients. Nearly all meat sources, vegetables, or even dairy have carbs in them. However, some sources of carbs work “fast” while some work “slow” in supplying energy. Also, depending on the speed of carbs, they may be good or bad for weight loss goals. That said, the glycemic index of carbs determines the rate at which they are digested. Slow carbs, as the name implies, release energy slowly into the body. The fast carbs, on the other hand, release energy at a higher pace as they are used more quickly. So, the higher the GI level of carb, the quicker is its delivery of sugar and energy in the body, and vice versa.

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How to use healthy blood sugar levels to help you burn fat for energy – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

You’ve probably heard of blood sugar a couple of times, but do you know that a healthy level of it can help to burn fat for energy production? Yeah, apart from energy production, balancing your blood sugar also helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Glucose is the body’s main source of energy, and it dictates how energetic or hungry we feel. When you eat carbs, blood sugar is released into the bloodstream. However, for you to burn fat healthily, you need a healthy balance of blood sugar: not too high and not too low. That’s more reason you should eat the right amount of fat, protein, and fiber at each meal. This way, you can stabilize your blood sugar level to burn fat and get a consistent energy supply throughout the day. More so, a healthy blood sugar level prevent any form of insulin spike. The normal range for blood sugar is between 70 mg/ml and 110 mg/ml. Insulin works on these sugars and transfer it from the blood stream to the cells. This helps to keep the blood sugar level within the normal range.

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What is insulin resistance and what are the signs and symptoms – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Insulin resistance is estimated to affect one in three Americans, including people above age 60. This silent blood sugar problem increases the risk for having prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, as well as other serious health ailments, such as cancer, stroke, and heart attack. What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance occurs when the muscle cells, liver, and body fat don’t respond well to insulin due to excess amount of glucose in the bloodstream. This reduces the ability of the cells to absorb and use glucose as a source of energy. However, if the pancreas can produce a high amount of insulin that can overcome the low rate of absorption, your blood glucose will remain within a healthy range, and you’ll be less likely to develop diabetes.

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Why are healthy blood sugar levels so important? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

You might have asked questions like “why do I need to have a healthy blood sugar level?” Well, that’s a smart question for your health’s sake. Keeping your blood sugar…

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