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Elizabeth Harris:  America’s overdose on psych meds

What we cover is this podcast episode:

  1. Why are psych meds so widely prescribed? 
  2. Is there really a rise in psychological disorders or is it something else?
  3. What are some hidden things that people wouldn’t normally think about that could be leading to this?
  4. Everyone is different, but where should people start if they think they have a psychological problem? 
  5. What’s Wrong Wellness and is also the author of What’s Wrong with My Child and America is Infected, which became an Amazon bestseller.
  6. How do our listeners learn more about you and what you offer?

Elizabeth is the author of What’s Wrong with My Child and America Is Infected. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Molecular Medicine. Her undergraduate degree is in biology and chemistry, and she has postgraduate training from the American College of Sports Medicine. Elizabeth’s passion for health and fitness launched her career in the facial and body contouring world. More than two decades ago, she founded the high-end La Bella e Famosa Spa in Nashville. A second location has been thriving since 2019. A researcher and entrepreneur, Elizabeth has made a name in the spa and wellness world with the development of her signature skincare line and cellulite reduction device which is sought after by the elite of Nashville.

Elizabeth Harris waged a hard-fought battle to get to the root of her family’s medical issues, especially the strange disease that hijacked her first-born son’s life. Using her science education background and her experience as a successful entrepreneur, Elizabeth exposes the mysterious bacteria that is not only behind her son’s disease but is also a key contributor to a myriad of maladies in America.

Through What’s Wrong Wellness, this mother of four spends much of her time educating medical professionals and other parents on her discoveries. In addition to thousands of hours of her own personal research, Elizabeth is expanding her knowledge by pursuing formal education in this field. At the time of publication, she was working toward earning her Master’s in Molecular Medicine.

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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