What are the Best Sources of Carbohydrates? – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Right from your elementary education, you must have learned about carbohydrates to be an essential component of your diet. In fact, they are one of the main nutrients your body needs, along with fats and protein. What are carbohydrates? In simple terms, carbohydrates are biomolecules consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. They provide THE energy needed for our bodies to work optimally. When you eat a food that is rich in carbohydrates, your body breaks it down into glucose- which is the primary fuel that circulates in our blood and serves as fuel for the brain. Functions of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are important for the following functions: • They supply the body with energy • They form a key part of some connective tissues • The fiber content in carbohydrates helps to lower blood cholesterol • They help to retain protein so it can be used to repair and build • They help to prevent the degradation of skeletal muscles Best sources of carbohydrates

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Why cutting carbohydrates out completely is a bad idea – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

A lot of people tend to cut out foods containing carbohydrates just to reduce their weight. However, many do not consider the short-term and long-term consequences of such actions. If you’re one of the people cutting carbs out completely to lose weight, this article will show you the many side effects of your actions. What are carbohydrates and what do they do? Carbohydrates are sugar molecules that can be broken down to release glucose needed by the body to make energy. This macromolecule includes starches, fiber, and sugars that can be found in various foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and legumes. Your body uses carbohydrates as its major source of energy. Although the body can also use fat and protein to make fuel, the process is quite long and less efficient.

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How Much Protein Should We Be Eating and Good Sources – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Protein is an important part of every diet, and it is essential for cells formation and repair. It is a major component of the muscle, bone, skin, organs, nails, and hair. What is protein? Protein is a macronutrient that is made up of long chains of amino acids. It is one of the three macronutrients the body requires in larger amounts. The other two include carbohydrates and fat. Basically, there are 20 amino acids that the body uses in making protein. These proteins include arginine, alanine, asparagine, cysteine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, leucine, isoleucine, histidine, methionine, proline, phenylalanine, lysine, serine, tryptophan, valine, tyrosine, and threonine. The specific order of these amino acids is a determinant of the structure and function of each protein.

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Supplements Every Man Should Be Taking – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Most men in our today’s fast-paced environment are constantly overworking themselves and sleeping less. More so, a large percentage of men keep poor nutrition habits on top of poor stress management. So why would supplements not be a necessity? Supplements make a huge difference as they supply the body with the needed vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy living and prevent health issues. Nutrient deficiencies are commonly implicated in low testosterone levels and prostate issues. But with the right supplements, these conditions are avoidable. Here is a list of supplements every man should be taking:

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Tony TC Hale – Bio-individuality & Kick Your Fat in the Nuts

Professional comedian turned natural health practitioner, T.C. Hale (aka Tony), put together this series of books in order to bring health and wellness into a new light… a new non-boring light. He wanted to bring his experience as a touring comedian into a subject where comedy has not been welcomed in the past. The question is, why not? Why can’t we be entertained while we learn something new? Why can’t learning about physiology be as fun as watching your uncle Mitch wrestle with a live water sprinkler while he’s drunk?

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The ULTIMATE GUIDE to Mineral Deficiencies – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

Our bodies need many nutrients for overall good health, and most times we get these nutrients from certain foods. But it is quite unfortunate that many Western diets today do not contain a sufficient amount of certain minerals and vitamins that are essential for many body functions. Instead, these foods are filled with grains, saturated fats, sugar, and not enough vegetables and fruits. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that nearly 10% of the U.S population is suffering from nutritional deficiencies. And the common mineral deficiencies vary by gender, age, and race/ethnicity. More so, our bodies may not be getting enough nutrients due to several reasons, including: • Health problems such as digestive disorders or kidney disease – This could hinder the absorption of certain minerals and vitamins. • The side effect of certain medications • Restrictive diets • Unhealthy foods. While your body may get enough nutrients to function optimally from a consistently healthy diet, others may need a higher amount of certain minerals or vitamins for body development. That said, here is a list of some incredibly common mineral deficiencies:

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Best Most Absorbable Forms of Minerals– Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Minerals play key roles in various bodily functions, including muscle contraction, bone health, fluid balance, growth, and many other processes. However, some can be difficult for your body to absorb, and that’s why minerals are often in the chelated forms for increased absorption. Chelated minerals are bound to compounds like organic or amino acids, and they have gained much interest recently. The chelating agents or compounds helps to boost your body’s uptake of the mineral involved.

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Magnesium- Reactions, Most Common Forms, and Recommended Amounts– Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals needed for overall health and wellbeing. It represents the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, and it is present in many whole foods like legumes, green leafy vegetables, seeds, and nuts. But studies have shown that about two-thirds of the western population doesn’t meet their magnesium needs with diet alone. And low levels have been linked to health ailments, such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes, migraines, and mood disorders. That’s more reason why a lot of people turn to magnesium supplements. However, it can be difficult knowing which supplement is appropriate for you as there are multiple varieties of supplemental magnesium.

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5 Health ailments caused by mineral deficiency– Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Minerals are simply described as inorganic nutrients needed in adequate amounts for bodily functions. Important minerals include trace elements like iodine, zinc, iron, and micronutrients such as potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. However, deficiency diseases can occur if these minerals are lacking in one’s diet for an extended period. That’s more reason why you need to always eat a balanced diet that contains a sufficient amount of these minerals, alongside vitamins and other nutrients.

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Top 4 Most Common Mineral Deficiencies– Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Our bodies need many nutrients for overall good health, and most times we get these nutrients from certain foods. But it is quite unfortunate that many Western diets today do not contain a sufficient amount of certain minerals and vitamins that are essential for many body functions. Instead, these foods are filled with grains, saturated fats, sugar, and not enough vegetables and fruits. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that nearly 10% of the U.S population is suffering from nutritional deficiencies. And the common mineral deficiencies vary by gender, age, and race/ethnicity.

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