5 Health ailments caused by mineral deficiency– Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Minerals are simply described as inorganic nutrients needed in adequate amounts for bodily functions. Important minerals include trace elements like iodine, zinc, iron, and micronutrients such as potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. However, deficiency diseases can occur if these minerals are lacking in one’s diet for an extended period. That’s more reason why you need to always eat a balanced diet that contains a sufficient amount of these minerals, alongside vitamins and other nutrients.

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Top 4 Most Common Mineral Deficiencies– Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Our bodies need many nutrients for overall good health, and most times we get these nutrients from certain foods. But it is quite unfortunate that many Western diets today do not contain a sufficient amount of certain minerals and vitamins that are essential for many body functions. Instead, these foods are filled with grains, saturated fats, sugar, and not enough vegetables and fruits. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that nearly 10% of the U.S population is suffering from nutritional deficiencies. And the common mineral deficiencies vary by gender, age, and race/ethnicity.

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Ultimate Guide to Brain Degeneration and Regeneration – What You Really Need to Know

So, when there is a miscommunication between brain cells, it could cause the brain to degenerate which can lead to losing intellectual function as their brain gradually deteriorates, and the effect is evident in memory, speech, and spatial skills.

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Paleo Chili by Dr. Jason Jones – Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

Paleo Chilli requires a preparation time of 15 minutes and it can be completely cooked and served in 55 minutes. You can freeze it too through six months for one quickly served dinner. Following are the instructions to prepare and cook Paleo Chilli to entertain your taste buds while on a paleo diet.

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Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis, 5 Strategies to build a better brain – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

You might have believed that every brain stops developing after a certain age, but that’s not true. Studies have shown that the brain has the ability to form new neural pathways and create neurons even as you grow into old age. This is achieved through a process called Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Neuroplasticity simply means the ability of the brain to regenerate both anatomically and functionally. When you suffer from brain disorders, injuries, or degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, Dyslexia, etc., the brain plasticity helps to reduce the effect of altered structures.

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Root Cause Solution Healing vs. Band-Aid Solutions – Health Made Easy with Dr. Nelli Gluzman

Dr. Nelli Gluzman, founder and head physician at Blossom Pediatrics, is passionately dedicated to helping you rescue your child’s health. She utilizes an integrative, functional, and holistic approach to medicine. This approach is one that focuses on the root cause of chronic illness in children, allowing for the complete reversal of symptoms and the elimination of long-term conditions.  “Doctor Mom”, as her patients have fondly nicknamed her, is dedicated to helping each child find relief from their illness, allowing them to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. This is achieved through individualized treatment plans based entirely on what will work best for each particular child.

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10 Natural Foods that Support Brain Regeneration – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

Due to the nature of our industrial fast-paced society everyone stands at the risk of experiencing brain degeneration as we grow old. But luckily, there are lots of natural foods that support brain health and help to strengthen brainpower. You should be excited about this because the food choices you make are one variable you can easily control. You can support your brain regeneration and functionality by eating a brain-boosting diet.

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