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6 Healthy Ways to Recover From an Injury Naturally

Recovering from an injury can be both frustrating and painful. Whether the ailment is a sprained ankle, broken arm, or injured tendon, it’s important to learn how to heal properly. However, home care agencies provide private care for the elderly at home. But we will all suffer some injury, but the following tips will help make your recovery time shorter and more comfortable.

1- Arnica Gel For A Faster Recovery

Arnica has been used for decades as a topical application to treat bruises, muscle aches, and arthritis pains. The active ingredient in Arnicare gel is Helenalin, which works by blocking the production of substances that cause swelling, redness, and pain. Arnica gel also helps prevent hemorrhaging by constricting blood vessels and stimulating tissue growth for healing.

2- MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) For A Faster Recovery

MSM is an organic sulfur compound found in all living things, especially plants. It’s a popular additive to many foods because it contains a high amount of sulfur which can help stimulate collagen production for faster wound recovery. Collagen is a protein that makes up the connective tissues that hold our bodies together. Because MSM increases collagen production, it has been shown to have anti-aging properties and reduce swelling from injuries. MSM is available as a dietary supplement at your local market and a cream for topical application under the name DMSO Cream.

3- DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) For A Faster Recovery

DMSO or Dimethyl sulfoxide acts as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, reducing inflammation and pain from injuries. Many athletes have long used it, including Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees, who says he tried many products before finding success with DMSO. Although it can be found in certain creams such as Penetrex, MSM cream is just as effective, if not more so, because it contains much more MSM than any over-the-counter cream on the market today.

4- Ginger Tea To Heal Your Injuries

Ginger tea is delicious to drink, and the bonus is it speeds up your recovery time. The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger root help relieve pain associated with injuries and reduce swelling around the injury site. Ginger also contains that speeds up blood circulation to help heal wounds faster. Drink a cup of ginger tea every day while you’re recovering from an injury, be sure to let it steep for about 5 minutes before drinking it because if you drink this strong-tasting tea too soon after making it, you will probably regret doing so!

5- Vitamin E To Heal Your Injuries

Vitamin E is essential for optimum health, but few people know that this vital vitamin can help our bodies recover faster from various types of illnesses and injuries. Vitamin E helps keep the immune system functioning correctly, which will help prevent future injuries if you are healthy overall. You can apply vitamin E to fresh cuts or blisters several times a day until the amount heals to speed up recovery time.

6- Epsom Salt For A Soothing Bath

Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate, an essential mineral easily absorbed through your skin for maximum health benefits. Magnesium has many health benefits, including speeding up wound healing by increasing blood flow to the injured site and reducing swelling around the injury. Adding Epsom salt to a warm bath is very soothing after suffering from an injury because it relaxes tired muscles while providing pain relief at the same time.

Wrapping Up!

These are six natural ways to recover from injuries. Most importantly, you should always consult your doctor if the injury is severe or you suspect there may be broken bones or internal bleeding. Using these tips for minor injuries will speed up recovery time while also helping you maintain optimal health at the same time!

So if you’ve been injured lately, try one or all of these topical treatments and see a big difference in your recovery time. If you have any questions about natural remedies for injuries, please leave a comment below, and I’ll be happy to answer them!

Guest Post by: Sophia Roy

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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