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Moving Your Body Towards Better Health – 5 simple, practical ways to get more movement in your day

Modernization of society can be a blessing or a curse. There has been an upgrade virtually every facet of our lives. From high tech machines in factories to simple household appliances, which has made life easier and seemingly stress-free…or has it?  But with these immense benefits of modernization comes the downside. Your opportunity to attain a physically active state throughout the day may be hampered. According to research, lack of physical activity may lead to weight gain and other chronic diseases. For proper advice on how to stay physically healthy, contact Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC

You may be able to maintain a part of good health and a healthy weight by regularly engaging in physical activities. The more calories you tend to burn is dependent on how much you use your muscles and body, which boils down to how much you move. Being in a sedentary state for a very long period can negatively affect your health. Sitting for long hours generates a series of harmful health outcomes.

No matter how small the level of physical activity, it can create positive health benefits. Carrying out regular exercises may be an effective way of promoting sound health and increase physical activity. However, it may be difficult to make out time for lengthy exercise routines daily or go for a workout at the gym. Still, it is possible to engage in physical activity for brief periods throughout your day. Here are simple but practical ways to get more movement in your day.

Engage in physical activity while commuting to work every day:  Depending on your location or local government laws guiding the mode of transport in most communities. Some communities have bike lanes or walkways to promote walking or cycling. Cycling or walking to work may be time-consuming and requires planning, but they are useful in burning calories. Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC is ready to walk you through the basics of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Carry out your errands at work or home by walking or cycling when you have the chance:  Most people will prefer to use the elevator at all times, even if they are going to the first floor. You can use the stairs sometimes instead of using the elevator. When you want to go to a nearby grocery store, you can choose to walk or ride on a bike instead of driving down to the store. These simple activities play a significant role in promoting good health conditions.

Make use of a standing desk in your workplace or create time for standing breaks:  Some companies provide their employees with a stand-up desk because they gradually understand the negative effect of sitting for too long. Stand-up desks allow you to be more physically active because you use more muscles while standing. If it’s not possible to have standing desks, then you should endeavor to take regular standing breaks to burn calories.

Do not use your coffee break for sitting:  You can choose to take a walk instead of just sitting in the coffee shop. You can even take a stroll with a colleague to a nearby coffee shop so you can engage in some physical movement.

Park your vehicle some distance away from where you are going:  When you park your car a little bit farther from your destination, it gives you more opportunities to be physically active while walking across the parking area to your destination.

Conclusion:  According to research, whatever you do, that helps to increase the oxygen demand in your body contributes to your physical activity. Using the stairs or parking your vehicle a little far from your destination may not seem quite a difference. Still, little forms of physical activity can help to burn calories and improve your overall wellbeing. For proper treatment of joint, muscle or body pain, contact Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC.

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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