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7 steps the elderly can do to keep moving– Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor


As you grow older in life, there are a series of positive and negative changes that occur in the body. Aging can be enjoyed if you take the right steps to keep your body healthy and maintain good health.  The time to start is NOW!

Many changes occur in the body as you grow older. Your brain, skin, and bones behave differently. You should not be surprised when you notice these changes. Instead, you can be prepared for aging without worrying about slowing down. Visit Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC, to help you age gracefully by giving you the best chance for success possible.

Steps the elderly can take to keep moving include the following:

Live an active life:  According to research, Involving in regular exercise helps promote mental and physical health even while aging. Exercising regularly may also help prevent some chronic medical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, depression, heart diseases, etc.

Eat healthily:  It is advisable to avoid highly processed and sweet foods. You have to follow your doctor’s advice regarding your dietary needs as you grow older. Avoid packaged foods and opting for fresh foods as that may help you avoid negative health outcomes such as cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Most pre-packaged foods are full of chemicals and other ingredients that take away from your health.

Maintain the functionality of your brain:  Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive decline are not normal parts of the aging process. According to research, having a cognitive stimulation lifestyle by participating in active learning and physical activity helps in slowing the cognitive decline process. You always have to challenge your mind through learning and moving. It may be through learning a new language, taking dance lessons, or learning to play a new instrument.

Build relationships:  Older adults often live alone. Living alone leads to loneliness. Changes in the life of older adults such as health issues, loss of a partner, retirement may cause social isolation. It is, therefore, essential to maintain constant communication with family and friends. It’s good to be around people, especially loved ones, to reduce loneliness.

Ensure you have enough sleep:  It is easier to live longer without food than without sleep. As you grow older, you have to give yourself more rest through sound sleep. Inadequate sleep may cause memory problems, irritability, and depression. Try to develop a bedtime routine. Avoid taking caffeine late at night.

Try to reduce your stress:  As you grow older, your ability to handle stress reduces due to changes in your stressors. You may experience brain cell damage when exposed to long-term stress. Stress may lead to fatigue, memory loss, and slow recovery from infection. Exercise regularly and ensure you get enough rest. Take care of yourself and use relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, prayer, journaling, circular breathing or visit Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC for stress reduction treatment.

Be in charge of your health:  Your actions as an individual contribute significantly to your health more than the health care system. You have way more control over your health than you can imagine. Avoid lifestyles like smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, inactivity, etc.

Conclusion:  It is possible to age without rapidly slowing down. Take care of your physical and emotional health. You can enjoy the rewards of aging by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Changes to your body are part of the natural aging process. It is beautiful to age and is even more beautiful to age gracefully. We recommend that you visit Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC for hands-on treatment to keep you going strong even while aging.

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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