Lowering Stress for Optimum Health Part 4: 8 Ways to improve Vagal Tone – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

As a Chiropractor in Elizabeth City, NC, our main focus is helping people gain restoration of proper nervous system function. We understand of why our bodies react the way they do to certain stimuli and we have helped people achieve improved digestion, decreased pain, and positive mental health through adjustment and restoring of nervous system functions. The vagus nerve is an important part of the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for the “rest & digest” function that counters the “fight or flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system. The vagus nerve travels from the brain down through the cervical (neck spine) and out to different glands, organs, and tissues. This nerve helps regulate stress hormone, improve mental cognition, keep the heartbeat regular, digestion, decreases blood pressure and keep you in positive homeostasis. A high vagal tone is associated with better and physical well-being. But a low vagal tone is usually associated with heart disease, inflammation, poor psychological wellbeing, stroke, and more. This is more reason why you should learn how to improve your vagal tone naturally.

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6 Supplement and Foods That Support Your Gut Health – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

  LOVE PODCASTS?  LISTEN TO THIS WEEK'S RIGHT HERE Microorganisms balance in the digestive tract is referred to as gut health. You must take proper care of your gut to…

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Your Immune System & Its Relationship to Your Gut – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor

LIKE LISTENING MORE THAN READING?  GREAT CLICK HERE FOR OUR PODCAST Your gut is a very vital connection between the outside world and your body. Whatever is in your gut…

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