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The Most Common Spinal Disc Problems- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor


Spinal discs act as a cushion between the spinal vertebrae and they create space for the spinal nerves to exit the spine. Spinal discs have a hard exterior that provides support and enables a wide range of motion. They can be likened as a shock absorber that protects your spine.

Pain is felt around the spinal disc as a result of the deterioration and break down of spinal discs, which can be very mild to severe.

Visit Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC, to help you get relief from pain as a result of spinal disc problems.

There are two common problems associated with the spinal disc. They include the following:

1. Herniated disc

Studies have shown that herniated spinal disc problem occurs as a result of protrusion of the inner disc material through a small tear on the disc. The protrusion of the spinal discs causes more pain than a bulging disc. Herniated disc problem is common among the younger population typically due to trauma.

Symptoms of herniated spinal disc problems include the following:

Pain in the lower back or leg
Cramping or muscle spams
Tingling, weakness or a numbness sensation in the affected area.
Pain tends to worsen when sitting or leaning forward.
Feeling of pain when coughing, sneezing or lifting objects.

Diagnosis:  Your Chiropractor needs to carry out a proper diagnosis to determine the main cause of your herniated disc problem before carrying out treatment. By paying a visit to Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic Office in Elizabeth City, NC, you are sure to get a proper physical examination and, if necessary, refer out for an MRI assessment of the affected area.

2. Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a spinal disc problem that can be responsible for some cases of neck and lower back pain. It occurs as a result of a spinal disc breaking down. Degenerative disc disease is common among those who are elderly but can begin much earlier in life. According to research, Loss of spinal fluid and cracking of the spinal disc can lead to degenerative disc disease.

Symptoms of degenerative disc disease

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease occur gradually and increase with time. They include the following:

Pain in the lower back or neck.
Feeling of pain which restricts certain movement like bending or reaching up.
Less pain is felt when walking, lying down or running.
Stiffness and restricted movement after being sedentary

Diagnosis:  A detailed history, as well as neurological or physical examination, is carried out to ascertain the cause of the degenerative disc disease. X-ray, MRI or CT and Electromyography are diagnostic techniques that may be employed in finding out if you have degenerative disc disease.

The symptoms of spinal disc problems can be very painful. It is important to visit an experienced Chiropractor who will provide proper spinal alignment through several hands-on techniques.

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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