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Natural Tips to Supercharge your Immune System- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC Chiropractor


During this holiday, you might be exposed to lots of factors that could trigger illnesses and sicknesses. But you do not have to turn to flu shots or artificial precautions to keep your immune system strong. Yea! Your body already has an inherent ability to regulate and adapt to the physical and chemical changes that we face every day. All you need is to support your immune system with some natural measures- and that’s the essence of Chiropractic.

At our Chiropractic office in Elizabeth City, NC, we have guided a lot of our patients to try simple natural methods to supercharge their immune system. I also want to help you stick to the natural and safer way.

Without much ado, check out the natural tips to supercharge your immune system below:

1. Eat a Balanced Diet

Your body needs the right amount of nutrients to combat diseases, common cold, flu, and allergies, which are common during this holiday season. Therefore you need to stick to eating a balanced diet with an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrate, and healthy fats.

Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” You don’t have to rely on over-the-counter drugs to boost your immune system. Just stick to a diet rich in whole foods and fiber; your immune system will thank you for the charge.

2. Exercise

You can supercharge your immune system tremendously by exercising at least thirty minutes a day for five days every week. More so, you’ll enjoy a better night’s sleep and keep cold at bay by exercising regularly during this holiday season.

Remember, you don’t necessarily have to work out outdoors. You can use a nearby gym or do at-home workouts.

3. Get Plenty of Rest

Your body needs some time to rejuvenate after helping you accomplish many tasks, digest your food, and do your daily job. So, don’t make the mistake of stressing yourself or sleeping less. Stress has a chronic effect on the immune system and may increase your vulnerability to illness.

The best way to help your cells repair themselves and regenerate is to get a good amount of sleep- which is why it is recommended to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Some people ask, “Dr. Jason, do I really need to sleep for up to 7 hours?” My response as an experienced chiropractor has always been, “Only if you want to keep your immune system strong.”

More so, getting adequate sleep helps your body produce hormones such as serotonin, melatonin, prolactin, and growth hormones- all of which helps to keep your body functioning properly.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

You need water to help your body perform many necessary functions like providing oxygen to your blood, clearing of toxins out of the body, circulating nutrients and white blood cells to your body tissue, and lots more. That’s why doctors recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water daily.

 So, if you’ve not been taking enough water, you can start this holiday to help supercharge the immune system and keep your body hydrated to perform basic functions optimally.

5. Get Plenty of Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps with a lot of functions like preventing cold and allergies and helping your body to repair and regenerate tissues. More so, Vitamin C acts as a natural antioxidant, supporting a healthy immune system.

You can get plenty of vitamin C from oranges, red and green peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, and red cabbage.

6. Eat Foods Rich in Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral for restoring and repairing cells, which keeps the immune system in good condition. Some foods like Brussels sprouts, legumes, green beans, berries, corn, and dates contain a fair amount of zinc per serving. Besides, the added fiber helps the digestive system.

Also, zinc helps to block viruses from gaining full access to your cells. So ensure you eat foods rich in zinc this holiday season to supercharge your immune system to combat diseases, cold, and flu, and allergies.

If you really want to enjoy your holidays, ensure you watch what you eat and drink. And don’t forget to exercise and get plenty of rest.  Avoid using any medication or traditional treatment measure to boost your immune system to avoid the numerous side effects attached.  Also, ensure you keep good hygiene. You can consult your Chiropractor for more tips to supercharge your immune system.

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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