How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life with Dr. David Shirazi – Health Made Easy Podcast

Did you know that 90% of people with sleep apnea are completely unaware of their condition? David tackles sleep and pain problems head-on, empowering people to rewrite their narrative and take control of their health. If I tried to list all of his accomplishments here, you'd get dizzy, but here are a few: With a Master's degree in psychology and 2,000+ hours of continuing education in temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), sleep apnea, and face pain, he's a formidable educator in his profession. Dr. Shirazi believes that sleep disturbances are at the basis of many health problems and that improving sleep hygiene can help folks cope with practically any ailment, including ADHD, dementia, hypertension, and more.

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Try These 4 Supplements that Support Better Sleep – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

You need quality sleep to maintain good health. Apart from the feeling of being well-rested, sleep consolidates your memory, facilitates the detoxification of your brain, and improves your athletic performance. More so, adequate sleep puts you in a better mood and even helps you lose weight.

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7 simple natural steps to get better sleep- Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

You may often wonder why your doctor always advise you to get enough sleep regularly. Well, just like nutrition and exercise, sleep is critical to our health, and when we don’t get quality sleep, it catches up with us in other areas, especially our productivity, focus, and concentration.

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Why some common sleep recommendations don’t work (sleeping pills and prescriptions) – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

So, you might ask, “Why do some sleeping pills and prescriptions not work?” Well, firstly, you must understand that not all drugs sold over the counter or prescribed are safe and effective. Secondly, most sleeping pills and prescriptions are classified as “sedative hypnotics.”- meaning they only sedate you, but not helping you sleep adequately.

Continue ReadingWhy some common sleep recommendations don’t work (sleeping pills and prescriptions) – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor