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Top Natural Remedies For Eliminating and Managing Allergies – Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC


According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, Allergies are the sixth leading root of severe illnesses in America. They continue to state that every year; over 50 million American individuals suffer from allergies.

An allergy occurs when the immune system identifies a non-harmful substance as harmful and in turn, overreacts. The harmless substances in question are known as allergens, to which the immune system responds by releasing antibodies. This action against the allergens by the antibodies results into symptoms that we term as allergies.

There are different types of allergies such as allergy rhinitis, eczema, and food allergies. Moreover, they are often caused and triggered by pollen, dust or food. Whatever the cause, allergies are annoying and uncomfortable. Hence, we’ve highlighted the top natural remedies that are effective in eliminating or managing allergies.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is indeed one of the most useful items in the kitchen. Its versatility remains unmatched, as research adds another benefit to its ever-growing list.  Apple cider vinegar can not only be used for beauty or cleaning purposes, but for medical purposes as well.

Add a teaspoon of Apple Cider vinegar to a hot mug of water. For taste, add some honey, and you’ll be well on your way to feeling better.


A leaky gut can often lead to allergies. A leaky gut is often the result of the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the digestive tract, affecting our immune system.

Probiotics are very effective in introducing good bacteria in the gut while reducing the growth of bad bacteria. The more good bacteria in your gut, the healthier your gut will be. This, in turn, can help boost your immune system and help it function properly.

Great sources of probiotics are kimchi and Greek yogurt just to name a few.


According to, a study done in Thailand confirmed that exercise helps bring about allergy relief. As stated by the Thailand researchers, an intense workout for the duration of 30 minutes should be effective. Evidently, exercise helps reduce allergy symptoms by stimulating an anti-inflammatory effect.

Neti Pot and Saline Rinse

This specific natural remedy is effective for those with nasal-type allergies. In other words, the allergies that involve coughing and sneezing.

By using Neti pot, with the aid of some saline rinse, you can flush your nasal passageways effectively. They tend to remove the allergens from the nasal passageways and bring about relief.

Dietary Changes

According to a family medicine specialist, Kathryn Boling, hot and spicy food has the tendency to cause allergies. She continues to state that this type of food tends to clear nasal passageways, resulting in a runny nose or sneezing.

Other types of food items such as dairy products have been known to cause allergies. If you’re unsure of what food may be triggering your allergies, try keeping track of what you eat. Additionally, seek medical advice.

Once you’ve spotted the culprit food items, avoid eating them. This may call for a change in your normal diet.

Dr. Jason B. Jones

Dr. Jason B. Jones promotes healing from the inside out. With cutting edge and practical information via the Health Made Easy Blog and Podcast!

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